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Say hello to simplicity

CAMS-ii is the smart, simple, secure way to manage your credit union's core processing needs.

With CAMS-ii working for you, it’s time to take your credit union to the next level.

These days, without cutting-edge technology systems running best-of-breed productivity applications, you’re compromising your credit union’s ability to compete. Until now, only large credit unions could make the necessary capital investment to build, manage and maintain such complex technology solutions. CBS levels the playing field by delivering credit unions fast, easy and affordable access to enterprise-level IT services and premium off-the-shelf software applications via our simplified network interface.

It's time to focus on the things that matter most.

Your core credit union management is enough to think about on its own. Why not simplify your information worries?

With CBS as your data processor, you are free from the responsibility of building, managing, and maintaining your software and communications networks as well as the essential infrastructure and hardware for them to work.

Using CAMS-ii buys you the right to forget about the burden of planning, sourcing, managing and upgrading the systems infrastructure so that you can concentrate on your credit union.

World-class software without breaking the budget.

We provide business solutions that require the minimum customer intervention, effort and cost. This is because they are delivered to you across a simplified browser-based network, while we minimize the necessary hardware infrastructure, IT skills, administration and upgrade management. Built into the product is the ability to tailor your specific account to support any number of users and to define the applications and security permissions for each.

Instead of expensive hardware requirements and legacy software, credit unions can begin realizing the benefits of enterprise-class software, networking and communications in just minutes, on virtually any office workstation.

Plus, the flexibility of our software provides a seamless upgrade path for virtually unlimited scalability potential including photo identification, transactional check scanning, signature integration and remote document delivery.

CAMS-ii is built to simply work for you and your credit union.