CAMS-ii Customer Access

Message Center

The Message Center keeps you informed of any new CAMS-ii updates, bug notifications, product updates and important deadlines.


After Hours

Each customer can receive standard CAMS-ii support services by contacting the CBS After Hours Service. This service is available 365 days a year during those hours not covered by the normal hours of operation. All support services rendered are subject to be billable to the customer at the then prevailing After Hours Service Rate. CBS reserves the right to determine whether or not it is practical, feasible and/or reasonable to provide the requested services via the telephone. CBS reserves the right to limit the amount of telephone time expended to sixty (60) minutes. CBS reserves the right to suspend or terminate rendering the requested services at any point, when in its reasonable opinion, it becomes impractical, unfeasible and/or unreasonable to continue rendering the requested services. In such a case, all applicable charges incurred to this point will still be payable by the customer.

How to use CBS After Hours Service

Software Support

CBS provides a robust, state-of-the-art online CAMS-ii Ticket Tracking (CTT) System for its customers to submit support issues, to request software enhancements, and to transmit general support and sales information requests.

A key element of our Customer Support Improvement Initiative, the online CTT System replaces the need for support emails and reduces the need for many support phone calls, while giving you direct, real-time access to our world-class support team.

You can not only submit support issues, but also view their status and resolution, and receive updates and resolutions via email. You can also update an issue to pose follow-up questions that become part of the issue record… all on a 128-bit SSL encrypted link.

How to access the CTT System

Access to the CTT System requires broadband Internet access, an email address, and a CBS-issued User ID and Password.

CAMS-ii Users Conference

2024 CAMS-ii Users Conference

September 18-20, 2024

Myrtle Beach, SC

Previous Years

Here you will find the majority of the topics we covered at previous CAMS-ii Users Conferences.